1. Each game is (25) minutes in duration. 

  2. Each game has a running clock. Clock only stops during time out or injury. 

  3. Offense starts on the 40-yard line with a 10 yard end zone. 

  4. Prior to the game, a coin flip will take place to determine 1st possession. 

  5. Player is down when he is touched with one hand below the neck and above the ankle.

  6. The QB will have four (4) seconds to pass on the snap of the ball. 

  7. Each team is allowed to blitz once per game. 

  8. Each team is allowed to run only once per drive. 

  9. There are NO untimed downs except for the extra point if a team scores a touchdown as the game time expires.

  10. The Field General can stop the clock at any time due see fit. 


  1. Each team is required to have a maximum of (24) players on the roster.

  2. Players must wear soft shell helmets during game. The approved headgear must be a GameBreakers brand helmet or at least a 4 rating by Virginia Tech Helmet Labs and include a fully functional retention system or chin strap.

  3. Players must be properly certified in registration with Zorts, at the appropriate age for their division.

  4. Players must Sign Participation Waiver and Sign Code of Conduct Forms.

  5. Players must have mouth pieces in during game.

  6. Players must remain on their sideline during the game.

  7. Teams are required to control your own sidelines by keeping players back during the game and MUST clean up all trash after your game.

  8. Each team is required to have a maximum of four (4) coaches per team.

  9. Only One Offensive Coach and no more than two players can be on the field (players must be on one knee) during play. 

    1. 1st notice is a warning 

    2. 2nd notice is a delay of game/ loss of down

    3. No defensive coaches can be on the field at any time. 

  10. Each game will have at least three (3) referees, and a Field General. Coaches will be responsible for signing the final game score sheet after each contest.

  11. Players cannot play for or be rostered on more than one team. Players, coaches and/or teams can be disqualified. 


  1. All players will be required to check in at the registration table. Please arrive at least thirty (30) minutes before game time to register. 

  2. All players will be given a band during registration. Players that lose or remove their band MUST go through the certification process again. 

  • 5/6 Grade / 12U – Players must be in the current 6th grade or lower or be 12 years old or younger.

  • 7/8 Grade / 14U – Players must be in the current 8th grade or lower or be 14 years old or younger. 

  • Freshman / 15U – Players must be in the current 9th grade or lower or be 15 years old or younger. 

  • High School / 18U – Players must be in the 12th grade or lower.

    • Players in the 12th grade that are older than 18, are not allowed to participate


  1. Each game will last twenty (25) minutes in duration. 

  2. There is a running clock with only one time out per game. 

  3. Timeouts are (30) seconds in duration. 

  4. The game clock will start at the original scheduled game time, or the game time specified by the Event Director. 

    1. Teams that are Five minutes late, 7 points will be awarded to the team that is present on time and they will possess the ball first. 

    2. Teams that are Ten minutes late, the team will forfeit the game. A win by forfeit will result in a 7-0 final score. 

  5. If a touchdown is scored and time runs out, the scoring team will be allowed an extra point attempt. 

  6. The head official will keep the time and will be located by the offensive huddle; the head official will blow the whistle to start the clock.


  1. Offense will start on the 40 yard-line in the center of the field. After that ball will be placed on either hash the ball is marked down. 

  2. First downs will be placed at the 25-yard line and 10-yard line.

  3. Offense has three (3) downs to gain a first down and three (3) downs to score. 

  4. Touchdowns are six (6) points. Extra Point is two (2) points. 

  5. After a score, the offense MUST go for an extra point at the 10-yard line. The offense may place the ball either on the hash or the middle.

  6. The offensive team may only run the ball once per drive. 

  7. The 1st Player to receive the snap is the QB. QBs are not allowed to run. 

  8. The 2nd player to possess the ball is the Receiver. Receivers are not allowed to throw or lateral the ball.

  9. QBs are responsible for snapping the ball out of shotgun position or QB Tee. No center or QB Tee is required.

  10.  No blocking is allowed. Blocking will result in a loss of down, return to the previous spot. 

  11. Offensive team is responsible for retrieving and returning the ball to the previous spot or the new line of scrimmage.

  12.  All Receivers must be on the line of scrimmage or in the backfield prior to the snap of the ball. 

    1. Receivers are not allowed to be more than 4 yards behind the QB prior to the snap of the ball. 

    2. Receivers are allowed to be both on and off the line of scrimmage. 


  1. Six (6) points for a touchdown

  2. Two (2) points for a PAT from 10-yard line

  3. Three (3) Points for Interceptions. Interceptions are allowed to be run back, however, ball placement from interceptions will only result in the team with the interception starting on the 40 yard line. 

  4. Turnover on a PAT is dead ball (including interception) and no points will be given. Interceptions are not allowed to be run back in PAT. 

  5. If there is an interception that occurs with no time on the clock, the defense will still be awarded three (3) points for the interception.

  6. Official scores will be kept by the scorekeeper on the Field.


  1. False Start = Loss of Down

  2. Delay of Game = Loss of Down

    1. Each team will have 25 seconds to snap the ball. If the ball is not snapped before 25 seconds a delay of game penalty will be assessed.

  3. Offensive Pass Interference = Loss of Down

  4. Offensive penalty at the 40-yard line, will result in a loss of down and remain on the 40 yard line. 

  5. Unnecessary Roughness = 15 yard penalty and Loss of Down

  6. Unsportsmanlike Conduct = 15 yard penalty 

  7. Fumble = Dead Ball at the spot 


  1. Offsides = 5- yard penalty and Repeat Down

  2. Defensive Pass Interference = 15- yard penalty and First Down

  3. Defensive Holding = 10- yard penalty and Repeat Down

  4. Unnecessary Roughness = 15- yard penalty

  5. Illegal Blitz= 15- yard penalty

  6. Unsportsmanlike Conduct= 15- yard penalty and First Down


  1. Each team has one (1) blitz to be used during each drive. 

  2. No more than two (2 ) players can blitz. 

  3. If a team blitzes, QB CAN run past the original line of scrimmage. 

  4. The Blitz can be used on any part of the field OTHER than the 40 yard line. 

  5. If a team blitzes, and there is a Defensive penalty on the play the blitzing team will forfeit their blitz. If there is an offense penalty on the play, the blitzing team can accept the penalty, if the penalty is accepted the blitzing team will maintain their blitz.


  1. All penalties apply during overtime. 

  2. No blitzing allowed in Overtime. 

  3. Any game that ends in a tie will go into Overtime.

  4. Both teams will select one (1) player to participate in the coin toss at the 40 yard line. 

  5. The winner of the coin toss will select offense or defense. 

  6. Offense will be placed on the 15-yard line. Each Team has three (3) attempts to score. 

  7. A score in Overtime is 6 points. Once scored, the offense must go for two (2 PAT) from the 10 yard line. 

  8. No running allowed in Overtime. Passing ONLY. 

  9. After one team scores the opposing team will receive the same chance. 

  10. If neither team scores, this will result in a 2nd Overtime. 

    1. All rules and regulations from the first overtime will apply. 

    2. If the game must go into a 3rd Overtime, all rules and regulations from the first overtime will apply. 

    3. If by any chance, the game does not end with a winning team in the 3rd overtime, the referees will enter teams into ELITE SHOOTOUT MODE: 

      1. 2 Players Flip a coin and Shootout from the 15 yard line. 

      2. Both teams receive one (1) play to score (6 points), including a PAT attempt after scoring from the 10 yard line. 

      3. This format will repeat until there is a clear winning team. 


All teams will play a minimum of 4 games

All teams will be seeded into single elimination based on the win/loss record and points scored prior to single elimination.


No fighting will be tolerated. 

Be mindful of the younger athletes and families within our community and events. 

Any fighting, players, coaching and/or teams may be ejected and/or disqualified. 

Each team is responsible for their fans, coaches, and players!

Police units will be present at every event. Our staff and program DOES NOT tolerate unethical behavior. 


  1. Mouth-guards

  2. No Metal tip cleats

  3. Headgear (Required)

Please assist us in making our events welcoming for our athletes, families and friends within each community.  - Elite Five Academy Inc